Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bad news

I was given a piece of bad news on Monday, financially related.

As happy as i was, being given a tiny raise this year, it's all been taken away by this piece of news.

Friends - I am going to be financially crippled for the coming 3-4 months, meaning i won't be able to go to any gatherings :(

As much of a bad news as it is, the good side of it, is that things should be back to normal after May - fingers crossed.

If I would've encountered this a year ago, i would be absolutely stressed my nuts off. While this is by no means not stressful, but it's by no means end of the world either. Yes, i won't be spend ANY extra cash other than daily food, and yes i hate that but this will still be better than worrying when the debt is going to come back and haunt you. 

Also read an article in a website called - Mind, Body, Green

Ten things to remind yourself on daily basis

I tell myself that these are the things that i should keep in mind everyday. Whether life is good or bad, it all depends on the way you choose to see it. 

Fifty shades of

Need i say more? 

This is one TRULY pornographic novel, even I am a bit embarrassed while reading it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Running shoes

The shopping bug has not stopped bugging me since christmas. In the light of overspending in December and just paid 80% of my tax bill, i still cannot resist -

Bought this on Saturday -

The yellow may look a bit too loud in the photos but it is actually quite subtle when you have them on... 

I've always wanted to get this minimus when it first came out (I still want it!- only racing the planet sells them now and they're pricier than buying in the NB shop when they're available :() -

But it happen so i just bought the Nike Free 3.0...which was still a great pair of running shoes, but there's something about new balance's shoes which i really like - anyway, who cares as long as it looks good right?!

I tried wearing this in BC class on Sunday - they're SUPERB! They're better than my nike 3 because it has a sturdy heel cover, hence my feet doesn't move around when i tried to jump or shuffle. 

My lunar glide was suppose to be my combat shoes but they're just too big, con by the salesman, saying that my feet is bigger than i thought and i should do one size up - TOTAL mistake, wasted :( and they're more expensive!

This new balance cost me only $556!!! "C lai" like me would definitely think it's a bargin!!! MUST BUY!! lol

Vibram HK100

19th - 20th  was the Vibram HK 100 event. 

1200 people have registered to run 100K on the Maclehose trail section 1- 10. Whilst I was too late (thank god!) for registration, i volunteered myself as a volunteer to help out these courageous individuals!

Me and Tai Hau was assigned as a race marshal at the Shing Mun BBQ site, where trail 6 ends and trail 7 begins. That's where people get confused because you can either turn right or left and only one route will take you to the finish line!

I had a great time even tho i've only seen about 50+ runners passing our spot before our shifts end - now i regret that i didn't take pics of the writings i did on the floor! I stole one signage tho :P hehe

Whilst we were there for over 6 hours and we clapped everytime a person comes down the hill, it sort of affects the families at the BBQ pits too. They were clapping with us, saying "add oil" to the runners. I find that very heart warming!

And bonus of the day was that there was a family who came to the site about 5:30 kept feeding us with grill shrimp/chicken wings/sweet potatoes! We were about to head to the check point to get some food but the little girl (bout 8-9 yr old) chase us down the road to give us food!! I feel awful that i have nothing to give in return except a few glowing sticks!! 

 Me @ CP8 with goodies bag!
 Up on trail section 6 checking signage - amazing weather!
Me in bright florescent orange! I feel like a construction worker in that LOL 

This is the family who kept giving us food!

The only thing was that we didn't manage to stay long enough to watch bubble pass, such a shame - but she finished the race below 18 hours!!! Two 100K race in 5 months' time!! Can't help to give her 100 thumbs up!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Fast & Furious

I was furious last night while I realised that people I worked with are slightly racist and utterly stubborn.

Long story short is that expat group is ganging up on one of the locals, not in ways that you can see but they're "typing little reports" at boss's (the other boss) face.

I tried to be as neutral as i can as an office manager but the more the topic was discussed, the more i realised that they resent her purely because she gets paid more and more benefits and the fact that her duties aren't as hectic as theirs.

These resentment should be directed to the senior management team who hired her and plan her work. Not directly to that person i suppose?

Ok, there are things she does that i don't agree with, but that was being talked about already in her appraisal, all other reasons for resentment is only because they're fuckin jealous?! What's wrong with her negotiating a higher salary and more holidays? I always standby a motto - "you don't ask, you don't get". Don't resent people just because they have the guts to ask for what they want and to say that they're "milking" the company is just strictly unfair. Funny enough that they company gave it to her. And if it was soooo unreasonable, then why not speak up?

I really really really really don't like people who behaves and act like that. If i have a problem that i can no longer live with, I speak up. Situation may or may not change but at least i've done something and not just sit there and moan. 

Lucky enough I am not at the same level eh?! otherwise i'll be the target?? Maybe i'm just not smart enough and i hate office politics with 1000% of my heart. 

I'm gonna combat my heart out/ ass off tonight to release all the anger in me. No good for health holding it in.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


My boss just made a joke which i'm not quite sure if it's entirely appropriate but i'm loving it LOL

Conversation (in Cantonese) was about him attending a model making class - 

J: I am just a bit nosy but what's that model class on your schedule about? model as in learning to catwalk? lol?

B: Haha no, just an advance model making class that me and my friend have talked about for years. I could retire now and i still wouldn't be able to put all the models that i've bought!

J: Waaa..and how many is that?!

B: About 500 maybe. It's probably an obsession of mine.

J: OOoooo...(starts to be speechless cos i know no sh** about models)

B: Whilst actual model making is a hobby of mine, i have a friend whose hobby is actually "切 model" - haha if you know what i mean

J: Hohohoho....ok (drop a sweat -.- Hah! )

Definitely not harassing me but i just love it that he is so down to earth, not cocky and having that nasty bossy attitude. I'll be sad when he's gone.

** in case i'm not 100% clear - his "切 model" means sleeping with models that actually does runway catwalks.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Life Lesson

"Everything is a life lesson. Everyone you meet, everything you encounter, etc. They're all part of the learning experience we call 'life.' Never forget to acknowledge the lesson, especially when things don't go your way. If you don't get a job that you wanted or a relationship doesn't work, it only means something better is out there waiting. And the lesson you just learned is the first step towards it."

- Author unknown

The italic/bold of the above quote really speaks to me as it's something that i'll have to deal with this year - soon - as soon as possible.

I have to admit - i am lacking the guts to the ultimate confrontation. I have no doubt that this will end ugly and the worse is - still have to face each other at work. Either way, I'll be screwing something up.

Last week

It's been a week since i wrote an entry.

Nothing ex-ordinary happened, hence the lack of inspiration.

As it was described - I'm back to prison (lol), so no pump for me this week. Generally speaking, exercise level dropped overall, only ran 23K this week + 1 combat class. No bootcamp, no pump.

I feel a bit guilty becos i skipped bootcamp again this morning. It is the same but now i can pay on the go, so less motivation. Plus i've just paid 80% of my tax bill this month. I'm absolutely in need of every little dime i have left. I hate to say this - Ii cannot afford it :(

Frankly speaking, feasible to continue this on a long term basis?

Need to list out the pros and cons -

1. I like working out in the morning, my body is tired after whole day of work, plus it's easy for me to feel lazy.
2. I see results doing bootcamp

1. An extra 1- 1.2K per month spent on exercise
2. Trips to gym will continue to reduced , hence the average $$ per trip can go as high as $200!

$$ is all evil - and the evilest part is - its always not enough!

I guess for this month, i'll have to skip bootcamp for the sake of putting food on the table. And will tackle it again when next month comes.

Weekend was a bit bored, Tai Hau was sick as a dog, no energy to go anywhere, but managed to do the sketchers 10K race on sunday morning then napped for 3 hours in the afternoon.

I doubled booked myself with the CCM race and sketchers shek kong race...missed the CCM half marathon instead. Really gotta run more to train for SCM.

People say "Money can't buy health or happiness" - Sometimes, just sometimes, i beg to differ (especially now!)

Yes, i'd agree, $$ is not a definite condition for health to happen, but it certain does help in some ways - like the following

1. It pays for "off-the-chart" price for food that begins with word - "Organic"
2. It pays for gym membership or membership(s).
3. It pays for PT sessions 
4. It pays for the constant replenishment of workout outfits for different weather.
5. It pays for races throughout the year which gives you extra motivations to train.
6. It pays for doctor's fee when you get injured :P

Now who says money can't buy health?! :P

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


über stressed today. 

  1. Tai Hau giving me shit about me waking him up 20 mins earlier just because i want to take a shower before work. For the love of god, i can't even decide what time i shower at my own freakin house now.
  2. Work computer went cuckoo because our profile size is limited to 100MB, anything over, cannot shut down.
  3. Because i hadn't shut down last night, my dual screen stops working this morning
  4. Follow by Tai Hau's constant nag about finding out travel plans DETAILS.
  5. Follow by internet not working
  6. Follow by Plotter not working
  7. Plus a million other small requests
  8. Follow by MS word crashes whenever i tried i to save the document
  9. Then...
 忍唔住, 心爆哂粗!!!!!!!

Deep breath - back to normal 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013 Resolution

1. Run 2013k (impossible but kind of a realistic target lol)
2. Spend more time with family and friends
3. Work hard and be a bit more "outgoing"
4. Travel more
5. Better finance management skills
6. Getting rid of the people who have bad influence on me
7. Give yoga a third chance
8. Stretch more
9. Run a half marathon within 2 hours
10. Drink more water
11. Take Omega 3 capsules - EVERYDAY!
12. Step out of my comfort zone, push myself harder.
13. Read more 
14. Whine less, worry less
15. Remember to download CSI series for Bubble
16. Seriously sit down and brush up my mandarin
17. Cook and bake more 


Agreed? I DO :)

7 Ridiculous phrase men use to break up with women

Read this - can't help giggling in the office. It's almost 100% true for men who do look for excuses to break up.

7 Ridiculous Phrase Men use to break up with Women

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 review

My achievements in 2012
  1. Joined bootcamp
  2. Participated in Vibram training
  3. Started running regularly with HR
  4. Travelled to Bangkok, Shanghai, Beijing, London, Colchester, Norwich, Tokyo, Vietnam and Cambodia
  5. Keep trying to do better at work
  6. Moved to a better living environment
  7. Met some pretty awesome people
I'm very blessed and hope 2013 is gonna be even better!