Wednesday, May 7, 2014

10 Things Successful People Do Every Day

Here are 10 things that successful people do:
1. They wake up early.
Research shows successful people tend to wake up earlier to get their day started on the right foot. Early morning is "uninterrupted time" to focus on the things that need to get done. Many successful people have morning routines. Either they work on a business deadline or passion project, they exercise, meditate or journal. Most importantly they get the most important item of the day accomplished within this time.
2. They move their bodies.
In order to perform at your best, you have to feel your best. Successful people know that exercise is so important to their overall health. Any form of exercise is beneficial whether it's going to the gym, taking a yoga class, walking/running outside or simply exercising at home.
3. They spend quality time with loved ones.
Making time for the people who are important in their lives is a must for successful people. Disconnecting from all technology and any other distractions and truly spending quality time with friends, family and a spouse is very important.
4. They connect, network and build solid relationships.
Gone are the days of going to a networking event to collect business cards. In today's society, your network is equal to your networth. Building strong, solid relationships overtime is key to overall success. Deeply connecting with others and seeing how you can be of service to them is today's currency for successful people.
5. They meditate.
More and more top executives of major companies as well as successful entrepreneurs are meditating in order to become centered and more grounded. Developing a spiritual/religious practice or simply meditating and praying is absolutely essential.
6. They find joy in simple things.
It's never the external circumstances that bring sustainable success and happiness. Successful people constantly seek out joy in the simple things. Many of them have a gratitude list where they daily list things in their life that they're grateful for.
7. They plan and strategize at their peak performance times.
Whether it's planning and strategizing life or a business project, successful people know that the best time to do the hard work of planning is when they are feeling their best. They tune into their bodies and see where their energy is the highest, whether it's in the mornings, afternoons or evenings and then they get to work.
8. They set boundaries.
Many of us want to say yes to everything and want to help everyone. Successful people set boundaries for themselves in order to preserve their energy, time and space. It's ok to say no. Successful people realize that they're their own best asset and that they have to take care of themselves first before they help someone else.
9. They track and budget what's spent and what's made.
Successful people absolutely track, budget and look at their finances. Knowing where money is being spent and where money is coming in is empowering.
10. They listen to their gut.
In business and in life, successful people make sure to listen to their gut. All the answers they need come from within!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bits of pain

Time flies (since 2005), but time has been passing crazy quickly this year - its a quarter gone.

Two months since we broke up. I went through my personal mailbox last night trying to clear emails. I found a lot of our conversations few years back in early 2011. There is one that says - I can't wait to have you back home (I was in the UK)....

Feel sad again....he moved on, but I'm still stuck in time. Maybe I really do love him? I dunno...what do I know?!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today is definitely one of those bad days. 

Very sour
So sour that i cried at work

I just want to run away from all these. 

I know i deserve a better life but the sense of unwanted is overwhelming.

Sometimes i thought revenge is the best medicine but that's not going to hurt him and i won't feel any better at the end.

Everyone's been telling me that time heals, i too agree to that, but every minute is a torture on days like this.


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On my way to recovery?

I am not gonna lie, i feel shit having broken up with Steve. But what's done is done and it is what it is. As though i felt better than the first few days, doesn't mean negative emotions doesn't surface from time to time. So i looked up for something which will remind me i still have a life i need to move on to.


1. Letting Go
What would you do if your house was burnt to the ground, and everything you owned was destroyed? I’m sure you’d be frustrated and angry at first, but at the same time, no amount of anger will undo what has been done. It is what it is. Your best bet is to begin moving on, and working towards creating a new home.
Similarly, when a relationship ends, you’ll want to practice letting go and allowing the healing process to begin quickly.
If you were on the receiving end of a breakup, do not dwell on whether the person will come back or not, if they broke up with you at one point, chances are, something is wrong with the fit of your partnership, and you’ll be better appreciated elsewhere, with someone else. Even if you and the ex get back together, it is unlikely to last (from my experience).
Trust that everything in the Universe happens for a reason, and it benefits everyone involved in the long run, even if the benefits are not yet clear. Trust that this is the best possible thing to happen to you right now, and the reasons will become clear in the future.

2. Release Tension and Bundled Up Energy

We all have the need to be understood and heard. Whether we’re on the receiving end or the initiating end of a breakup, we often carry with us the tension and any unexpressed emotions. We can release this extra energy by:
  • Talking about it with a friend.
  • Voicing our opinions honestly and openly with our ex-partner, which have been bottled up in the past.
  • Punching a pillow and crying freely for 10 minutes
  • Screaming out aloud and imagining unwanted energy being released with your voice (seriously, I’ve done a meditation that incorporated this, and I instantly felt better).
  • Writing in a journal (more on this later).
  • Exercise and body movement.
  • Meditating.

3. Love Yourself

The practice of loving yourself is the most important aspect on the road to personal happiness and emotional stability. I’ve personally had my most valuable personal growth spurts during the period when I vigorously worked on this aspect of my life.
I did everything from cooking myself fancy dinners, to spending every Sunday on my own doing the things that I loved, to taking myself to Symphonies, to taking overseas trips on my own. Each one had its own challenges and confronted my beliefs about loneliness. Through overcoming the fear of loneliness, I experienced deep joy all by myself. It was so gratifying, refreshing and empowering.
Here are some ideas to cultivate the art of loving yourself:
  • Take yourself on romantic dates as if you were on a date with another person. Put on nice clothes, maybe buy yourself flowers, treat yourself to something delicious, and take long walks under the stars. Whatever your idea of a romantic date is.
  • Look at yourself in the mirror. Look yourself in the eyes. Smile slightly with your eyes. Practice giving gratitude to what you see. You don’t need words. Just send out the intent of giving an abundance of love to the eyes that you see, and feel the feelings of love within you. As you are looking into your eyes, look for something you admire about your eyes – maybe the color, the shape, the depth, the exoticness, or even the length of your eye lashes. This will be a little weird and uncomfortable at first, but just trust me, and continue with it. Do this for a few minutes every day.
  • Sit or stand in front of a mirror, or sit somewhere comfortable (mix it up, and do both on different days), put both hands on your chest and say to yourself, “I love you, ”. Repeat a few times, slowly. Continue with qualities you like about yourself, or things you are good at. Be generous and list many, even if they sound silly. Example, “I love that you always know how to make your salads so colorful and appetizing.”, “I love that you have the discipline to go to the gym regularly, and you really take care of your body.”, “I love that you are so neat, and can keep your desk so organized.”
  • Practice doing things on your own to challenge your fear of being alone. For example, if you have a fear of eating alone in a restaurant, go out to a restaurant on your own. Your mission is to find the joy within that experience.

4. Love Your Ex-Partner

Allow the love within you to flow. Try practicing forgiveness and open up your heart.
Over the past few months, my friend Tom Stine and I have been chatting about the topic of overcoming breakups. Tom had been married for 13 years and went through a divorce that took him 2 years to emotionally recover from. When asked about how he got over his ex-wife, he had a few snippets of wisdom to convey:
  • “I let myself love her. Even when it felt like my heart was going to break. Adyashanti says something amazing – when people say, ‘My heart feels like it is going to break.’ He says, ‘Let it break. If you let it really break – really, really break, it will transform you.’”
  • “LET YOUR HEART BREAK WIDE OPEN. Let go of every possible belief or thought that says your ex is anything other than the most incredible, amazing, wonderful person in the Universe. You gotta love them and open your broken heart, WIDE OPEN!!!! That’s how to get over a break-up, really get over it. Anything short of that is not gonna do it.”
  • “The key for me was getting utterly clear: we are apart, and the Universe never makes mistakes. We are over. And I can still love her. That was HUGE. I can love her with all my heart and soul and we never have to be together. And when I realized that, I felt amazing. And still do. The freedom was great. I could finally own-up to how much I wanted out of our relationship. All the hurt and anger disappeared. I was free.”
The underlying message of love in Tom’s words is pretty clear and powerful.

5. Give it Time
It takes time to heal. Be patient. Give it more time. I promise the storm will end, and the sun will peak through the clouds.

6. Journal Your Experience

Spend some quality time in a comfortable chair, at your desk or at a cafĂ©, and write your thoughts and feelings on paper. No, not typing on a laptop, writing on paper with a pen. Follow your heart and flow freely, but if you’re stuck, here are some writing exercises you can do:
  • Drill into the why – Start with a question or statement, and continue to drill into why you feel that way until you have a truthful and satisfying reason. The exercise isn’t to issue blame or blow off steam at someone else. It’s meant to gain clarity and understanding into how you feel, so you can alleviate unnecessary pain. For example, you might start with the statement, “I am in a lot of pain, ouch!”, and your why might be “because she left me”. Now ask yourself, “why does that hurt so much?”, and one possible why might be, “because I feel abandoned”. The following why to “why does feeling abandoned hurt so much?”, “because it makes me feel alone”, etc. More than likely, the real reason has something to do with our own insecurities or fears.
  • Finding the Lessons – What did you learn from the relationship? What did you learn from the other person? How is your life better because of it? How will your future relationships be better because of it?

7. Read Something Inspirational

Books that deal with our emotions and ego are incredible tools at a time of healing. They help to enlighten our understanding of ourselves and our experiences.

Parting Words: Healing from Breakup

Every relationship will end someday, whether by break-up or by the death of one partner. Relationships have cycles. They are born, they live, and they die. Just like every part of life. It is merely a part of life.”
-Tom Stine
Socially, we view the end of a relationship with a negative connotation and give it the label of a ‘failure’. Just because a relationship has ended does not mean that the relationship was a failure. Both parties likely gained something substantial in either learning about themselves or for the benefit of future partnerships.
Capture the beauty of time shared together, and note the valuable life lessons learned. Be thankful for having experienced love, and know that you are a better person because of it.
No challenge is ever presented to us, if we are un-able to handle it.
For those currently in relationships, cherish and honor your partner for who they are as form and formless Beings. Accept the reality that life is full of change, and dance with the changes and challenges as they come. And when they come, view each one as an opportunity for personal growth – when you do that, nothing is lost.
All is well, and so be it.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


It's been 2 yrs and 10 month and we finally call it off. Mixed feelings, it's a relieve on one hand and it's sad on another. Last yr I lost my gran, this yr I lost my partner, all on the first day of CNY. Can't blame me for not liking this. 

It feels complicated, as though there is always a reason why things deteriorate, all the good memories rushes all back. Steve did make a good point, as good as it was, we cannot always look back, we can't live on this because of the past, it's the present that we have to deal with.

Part of me still cant get my head around it. This is the longest normal relationship I have had and it's over. Life goes on but I do feel very sad inside. Things were not good for a long while and very frustrating at times, but we were still a couple, now it's just single - again. 

It feels odd because i have done everything I can in this relationship and there's nothing more I can do. Inherently, either it's fundamentally because of me or ... I dunno. Time seems to be passing so slow since this all happens. 

I hate this cos wherever I look, couples couples and more loving couples. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

2014 New Year Resolution

It's tat late for new year resolution, but i think once a year we ought to look back what we did and think about what can we do better, and what's an even better time than doing it at the start of the year.

Now lemme think, in 2013, I ~

1. Completed a half marathon.
2. Started Mandarin class
3. Paid off a considerable chunk of student loan
4. Worked hard at work
5. Tried trail running & made some awesome people with ridiculous willpower.
6. Had a lovely Christmas trip to the States

Didnt do much but at least there's a list!

In 2014 ~ i want to

1. Do two class of bp a week (perk up my booty)
2. Pick up running again
3. To learn to oil paint.
4. To become expert in using photoshop n indesign
5. To be a tat more sociable
6. To cook more
7. To start doing yoga

Trying not to be too ambitious here, totally doable!!

This is my motivational cool if i can achieve these abs and got rid of the handles by end of this year!