Thursday, September 13, 2012


Time really flies!!! Who stole them from me?!! It's been a month since the last entry and Sandy finds my blog very dusty now...

Nothing really special these days - just really busy with work and trying to stuff as much workout sessions during the week as possible.

Sep/Oct/Nov is racing season again! 

Signed up for a lot of 10K runs and I've registered for my VERY first 21K UNICEF!! 

Now here is my training plan for 10K - goal is to run faster and not stopping as often as I would during *leisure* running during the

Here is the 21K training schedule, apparently i don't have 10 weeks before Unicef but what the hack...there's always 1st time for everything. Just need to be careful with the knees!

Fung from HR said if I want to do a reasonable time, i'll probably need to add one more day of running during the week until the race day to get the miles up.It means either I'll have to cut bootcamp sessions or I'll have to suck it up and work hardeeeerrrr!