Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I wouldn't say I'm an exercise junkie but I do tend to subscribe to A LOT of online fitness magazine (I think they motivate me in one way or the other! Ooops :P)

I received the following from SELF magazine this morning - 8 ways to be a happier you

I went on and read the article - NOT because i'm unhappy - to be honest, i haven't been so content for a long while, so i'm in a good place :)

I'm just very curious of how various people try to convince/help people facing difficulties in life. How many "Happy" principles are there? 8 is good enough? less? more?

So here are their "epiphany" -

  1. Self-control
  2. Grit
  3. Curiosity
  4. Optimism
  5. Love
  6. Social Intelligence
  7. Gratefulness
  8. Zest
Right - think about it for a minute - makes you happier? LOL

I think it does make sense in one way or the other, but if these 8 are the keys to happiness, there could be a lot of stuff added onto the list.

Frankly speaking, thousands of people tries to decipher the key to Happiness for centuries (just like what they did with "love"), but no one quite hit the home run...why? ...that is just for me though, there is no such thing as "one-size-fits-all" principle, the very subtle differences every single individual experienced is somehow ... just not quite describable. 

I'd just say be content of who you are, know what you're doing and stop thinking too much would do the job just right.

Oh and go to bed early! (a good sleep definitely puts a smile on my face in the morning :))
You can do this -
Or this - 
this - 
and maybe this - 
but i like this the best! - 

Adios Amigos x

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