Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I saw a bunch of moms and possibly grandma's on my way to work this morning, it gets me thinking about "Options".

I've always loathe having TOO much options, whether from restaurant menus or picking up presents. With so much options, i'm spending way too much time to decide whether to have A or B or C or D, cos they possibly generate different level of satisfaction.

You see, i'm always seeing myself at the receiving end of having options and loathing it, but having seen those moms and grandmas today...I fuddenly felt an overwhelming respect for those who provides options for others.

Well my train of thoughts goes somewhat like this - 

1. Seeing soccer moms waving goodbyes to their kids on the schoolbus the moment they got on and until the bus is out of site.
2. Imaging what if when i'm a mom?!
3. IF i become a mom, how good a mom could i possibly be?

there's 4, 5, 6, 7 and on and on but that's not important

Parenting is difficult as it is and there are a lot of times in the past where I wonder how come my mom can't offer me this or that so that I could've become someone exceptionally intelligent or super successful.

That makes me realise how much "options" parents have to give their kids. I'm incline to be a parent (if i'll ever be one that is) who let their child (or children) to choose whoever they want to be or whatever is that they want to do, but in order to do that - you need to give them the means to do it.

They want to become a ballerina - you gotta pay for the lessons
They want to become a professor - you gotta pay for the education
They want to become an athletic - you gotta get them to the training sessions
They want to become a responsible citizen - you gotta teach them how society works and what's right and wrong (or if they're old enough - there is no right or wrong)
And IF they want to become a hobo - you gotta make sure they're persuasive/ charismatic enough so that they'll be taken care of by other people.

From now on - I'll not loathe for being given so much options. I'm gonna appreciate every options that i'm given. OK maybe not with what lunch i'm gonna have today but everything else then! LOL

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