Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cute Neighbours

Had the cutest conversation with a girl working next door.

G - Girl

J - Me

Toilet doors opening

G: Hi, long time no see!
J : Hi, yea, how have you been (in fact, i just saw her last night in the toilet)
G: Good good, are you getting married soon?!
J: (....silence for 5 sec....) err....not that i'm aware of?! (唔通...something you know that i don't?!)
G: Oo no, just that it seems like you're working out so much these days and you look like you've lost a lot of weight!
J: (小許O嘴) hah...no just doing my regular exercise
G: Waa...you do a lot of exercise wor. We see you running everyday!! (J note - an absolute exaggeration!) and you've lost quite a bit of weight since you guys moved in 2 year ago, is that right? you guys have been here for more than 2 years now eh?
J: yea..a bit more than 2 years. 
G: (smile) we are very 8, we are always keeping an eye on you and your colleagues  you guys seems so healthy!
J: Hah...we tried, sitting too much (blahblahblahblahblahblah)...

Conversation went on for another 2-3 mins..

Ok, the latter part of this convo maybe a bit creepy for the fact that they are always eyeing on our office, and they know exactly how long we've been in this building (?!!!!!) 

But i think she's very cute thinking that I'm doing exercise to lost weight because I am getting married (LOL). It seems like getting married is the only legit explanation for a girl to exercise on a regular basis...Awww...that mentality has gotta change!

I'd be even happier if she said i'm really toned but hellya will take it as a compliment anyway!

One of my favourite colleague (yes i do have favourites wakaka cos he always brings me things i loove!) has got me a gift from his vacation in India, i call it - PURE EVIL!!!!!


  1. Then following ur friend's mentality, I must have gotten married then divorced on a continual basis! Lol

  2. Haaaaaaaaa. How come thats the only reason for girls keeping fit nowadays. I always want to be fit ga bo

    Btw jo, save some choco and give it to me on fri pls!!!!

  3. I must have gotten married then divorced on a continual basis! <-- wagagagaaaaa.... sandee, your logic makes me laugh-to-die XDDD

    workout is like poison - you'll be addicted to;
    workout is like someone you hook up - you'll miss the feeling of sweating and fatigue hardly, especially after a long day;
    workout is like chocolate - you'll be so satisfied and happy afterwards;

    it's just something we cannot lack for in our life! :))

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  6. Exactly girls!! Marriage would be the LAST if not least on my mind when I head for a workout!

    Re: Sandy - lol - DAILY basis that is ...

  7. Keroro....wakakak OK, will bring some on friday sin.. but only half pack left now LOL
