Monday, October 15, 2012

Terribly inappropriate

*Deep breath* - I have not tell a single soul about it but i can't hold it in anymore!!!

I had the weirdest dream about my boss on sat night, so weird that it is STILL bothering me today!

Of course, i can't recall all the details but as far as i do, there was a story...and here goes the weirdest part - in that dream - I had a feeling that my boss fancy me and he kissed me - FRENCH!!!! (for the record, he wasn't a good kisser in my

Anyway...due to such awkward dream, i find it very difficult to face him today!

The ultimate question is - perhaps i fancy my boss?!! Oooooo disaster! :O hahaha

Anyway let see what happens!


  1. I know right! Still feels weird everytime he call my name, which is like every 5 minutes if he's in the office..!

  2. wahahaaaa... 日有所思 夜有所夢... 跟據周公解夢,做夢見老板成為家人或情人/配偶,反映你對工作投入,所以把工作當作事業. good sign ar!

  3. I really wouldn't say that he's goodlooking at all, normal i guess LOL

    Hahah thanks, I hadn't realise i care about my job so much!
